1: dutch NAzi poster: " with Germany against Capitalism"
2: The British Nazi Mosley, talking about "peace"... ie surrender to fascist Germany ... mmmm - reminds me of the current "peace" protesters who are against the fight against islamo-fascism.
NAZI party:
National Socialist German Workers' Party
note the use of "Socialist" - also present in Stalin's hellhole USSR, Fidel Castro's failed utopia,
and recently, Saddam Hussein's Bath party - the nazis of the middle east.
Could this explain the sympathy of leftists with Saddam ? ... Socialism, by other means...
I wonder how many greens and left wingers today realise how close their ideas are to that of the Nazis ?....most would be horrified to see that they have many points in common.
The greens in particular have several points in common with Nazism: hatred of the USA, anti-capitalism, a desire to use eugenics to kill of "undesirables", a pagan worshipping of nature, a desire to impose utopian collectivism , by force if necessary; a belief in top-down totalitarian control imposed by a so-called "elite" (ie not democracy).
The last quality is becomming evident in Europe, with the attempt to impose the "EUSSR" (a book exists comparing the EU to the USSR).
The recent moral alliance of islamic terrorists and leftists around the world, against their common enemy, the USA and normal societies everywhere, says a lot about left-wingers these days. There was a time they were humanitarian (Truman, JFK) not anymore. The party of death, I call them.
Although Hitler and the other Nazis waged relentless war on Christianity, required that members of the SS formally renounce their Christian faith, mocked not just the tenets of Christianity but Jesus himself, Hitler and the Nazis had no problem with Islam. Hitler said in 1943 that Nazis could be Moslems and could be Nazis.
Himmler hated Christianity but he liked Islam. He met and liked the Grand Mufti. Hitler met that Moslem leader as well. Obergruppenfuhrer Gottlob Berger boasted: “A link is created between Islam and National-Socialism on an open, honest basis. It will be directed in terms of blood and race from the North, and in the ideological-spiritual sphere from the East.” When Hitler came to power, Jajj Amin el-Husseini as Mufti of Jerusalem called for jihad to eliminate all the Jews in Palestine. Moslems were recruited and volunteered to serve in the SS Handzar Division. Moslems even helped run the ghastly Jasenovac concentration camp, where over 10,000 Jews and over 40,000 Christians were murdered by the Nazis and their Islamic allies. Persian Shiite Moslems speculated that Hitler might be the Twelfth Prophet of Islam.
The Nazis viewed Islam with sympathy but viewed Christianity and Judaism with hatred. The Nazi attitude was the totalitarian attitude of other evil empires. Leninist Russia and later Stalinist Russia did not view Islam so much as a religion as a liberating revolutionary political movement. While the Cheka, OGPU and odious descendants (KGB) raided, harassed and closed churches and synagogues, these secret police organs left mosques alone.
read more here.
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